17th September 2009M - Thursday
Dear blog,
Less than a week lah lagi my Snowhyte kan mulih oversea...(macam mulih 3 hari sja..hehe) ngam jua Helmi, 1 of D Lacoste's chairman bawa sungkai-ying at D Empire. So i asked Snowhyte jua 2 accompany me..Each Lacoste' was accompanied oleh Ms. Lacoste' masing-masing..wow! I think that nite was the 1st time ever Lacoste' came with partners but i can't published semua aa yang attended with their partners aaahh..respect them bah..riuh rendah krg arah chatbox ku..hehe...so we were 10 altogether~frankly, i was enjoyed sitting & having my break-fasting with my groups (ada lagi ehem2 meneman...huhu~)
Wahh...manyakk woo~ dinda ku posed yerr~ ;-p

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