Monday, January 10, 2011

Enjoying Cinema-ing "The Tourist"


I love this movie! I am used to being able to guess the ending of movies but not on this one. The main roles lead by Depp & Jolie and the beautiful of Paris & Venice enchanted me from the beginning of the movie till it ends.
Angelina Jolie (Elise) is at her usual beautiful self. The first 15 minutes of the movie has her walking with minimal conversation and the elegance at which she does this will not let your eyes leave the screen. Johnny Depp (Frank) is at his usual brilliant self. Cool, calm and witty, I even can see glimpses of Captain Sparrow in his role.

One of My favorite scene (train's scene) with the most unforgettable lines from the both superstars :
Elise: Invite me to dinner, Frank?
Frank Tupelo: What?
[she gives him a look]
Frank Tupelo: Would you like to have dinner?
Elise: Women don’t like questions.
Frank Tupelo: Join me for dinner.
Elise: Too demanding.
Frank Tupelo: Join me for dinner?
Elise: Another question.
[Frank thinks for a moment]
Frank Tupelo: I’m having dinner, if you’d care to join me.
[Elise smiles at him]
Synopsis :
Johnny Depp stars as an American tourist whose playful dalliance with a stranger leads to a web of intrigue, romance and danger in The Tourist. During an impromptu trip to Europe to mend a broken heart, Frank (Depp) unexpectedly finds himself in a flirtatious encounter with Elise (Angelina Jolie), an extraordinary woman who deliberately crosses his path. Against the breathtaking backdrop of Paris and Venice, their whirlwind romance quickly evolves as they find themselves unwittingly thrust into a deadly game of cat and mouse.