Dear blog,
Alhamdullilah, 1st of Syawal 1432H fell on friday, 10th September 2010 after the sighting of Syawal new moon to determine the date for Aidilfitri celebration was succeesfully seen. So, here are part I photos taken on the first day of Syawal this year..more are coming up and stay tuned~
..Some said that my pose was elegant (haha...sibanarr) & and Ameng said that it looked like a girly style..hahaha~Meng !!! hensem kali aaaa my pose aa~
..A new nokia handphone to dad as a special Raya & Advanced birthday's gift
..The only bachelors left~hohoho
..See~beautiful people with beautiful dresses & lovely colour
.Dilah, Alai Faqeh & Ayun
..Om & Ziah~
..Adila, Alai Hakimi, Alai Fifi & Nafe~
..Wahh~anak sapa ensem dalam iPhone tu ? huhahaha~
..At Bungsu's crib in Tanah Jambu
..At Nini Hajah Mariam's crib
..Duta N97..kekekeke
..Ya Rabbi~This is called "The Panat Session"
..From Lambak at aunties' cribs To Tanah Jambu and then we headed to Bunut and back home around 9pm due to heavy rain~hujan saja jul raya aa...