12th & 13th June 2010
Dear blog,
Nothing much has changed Panorama of Labuan since my last trip in 2005. Yet, Labuan Island is one of the good tourist attraction in East Malaysia. My colleagues and I had so much fun in 2 days trip visiting various attraction places and historical sites. We boarded by a well-known ferry, "Seri Anna" at 9 am. Then we checked-in at Beta Apartment at the 14th floor..
.From left ; Mameng and Dini (both ani very the iski luan2 nya urg brunei..hehe)
.At the main entrance of Marine Museum
Dini suffered from "Mata Pitutan" haha..thats why he had to pose with his only right eye..haha
.Here is Ameng...The fish loved him..

Can u guys explain me what did u all do there ??
.At The Chimney Museum
.The Explorace winners...hohoho

Fakrul Amirin (Ameng) and sifunya *kirai2*
At The Surrender Point (where the Japanese armies surrendered to the British)
Peace Is The Best
Ini kuburrr !!! Numbers of soldiers of the Second World War were buried here~This place has a very fascinating and pleasent view

Dialog Taken from Ibu Mertuaku : Mak dah tua Kassim...ampunkan mak, kassim !! *wink* just for fun guys.. Ameng & Betty with their Ibu Mertuaku posing~~
.Pose entah berEntah~
.The Pizza Hut Manager senyum sokmo on that day !! haha..he smiled to the ear wahh...we kept ordering pizzas, drinks and side orders..No worries lah Mr.Manager..RM only wahh !!
" Bila Piranha Menyerang Labuan "

Ooopzzz...bachelor party kah last nyt ? hahaha...we left the apartment upside down. I guess room service keepers would faint down wahh..haha..
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